is common illness in society, especially teenagers and young adults are
more likely to get depression than any age group. It stops people from
enjoying life and losing interest in things they used to love.
Depression in young ages is a serious issue because they tend to conceal
it from other people. Also they are so stubborn to admit it and receive
treatment and help.
In fact, there are none concrete scientific conclusion of what specific causes make people feel depressed. Here, this article offers a view on reasons and factors to consider. It would be helpful for people to make lifestyle changes to cure depression.
People are surrounded with variety of career choice, they have to question every day what their correct path is, what the right choice. Their family livings may depend on their choices. They are exhausted by amount of time considering, reviewing their options in the search for the best one. Too much freedom makes people indecisive and be less satisfied with their choices. They worry that it is wrong. And when everything falls apart, they do not have anyone else to blame besides themselves. Along with that, their self esteem and confidence would be lowered and damaged.
“Text-messaged people five times per day for two-weeks to examine how Facebook use influences the two components of subjective well-being: how people feel moment-to-moment and how satisfied they are with their lives. Our results indicate that Facebook use predicts negative shifts on both of these variables over time. The more people used Facebook at one time point, the worse they felt the next time we text-messaged them; the more they used Facebook over two-weeks, the more their life satisfaction levels declined over time.”
(Source : Facebook Use Predicts Declines in Subjective Well-Being in Young Adults) [3]
Facebook or other social media may make people, particularly teenagers and young adults, feel lonely and miserable. Lots of research indicates that people using Facebook more often get lonelier if they have their updated status less responded and less connection with friends
“It is the sadness felt after reading or watching a really long series or story. The bitter feeling when you know the journey is over, but you don't want it to end.”
(Source: Urban dictionary) [4]
People get into books and movies for the feeling of living in separate worlds, separate livings. Every book they read, they transform to different characters. They can have various version of reality. They have friends who they can’t find in real life, they can go beyond their physical limits to advance on a journey of conquest. And when the series end, that world disappears and they return to reality.
The feeling of regret and empty after finishing books or movies can ignite a sense of worthlessness and urge people to escape from real world and real life human interaction.
People in developing or poor countries have low life expectation and tend to give up and follow social hierarchy rather than fighting against it. They are less likely to question government also social policies. Meanwhile, people in developed countries have higher income also with higher responsibility. Working environment in these countries has lots of stress and competitions.
For example, in Japan, people work not only 8 hours but even up to 10-12 hours a day. They even work on Saturday and Sunday. There is an unwritten rule that to be climb higher in company position, one should be obedient and hard-working. Talking back to the superiors is definitely a no-no. Suppressed feelings accompanied with overloading working are culprits of high suicide rate in Japan.
In fact, there are none concrete scientific conclusion of what specific causes make people feel depressed. Here, this article offers a view on reasons and factors to consider. It would be helpful for people to make lifestyle changes to cure depression.
1. Living alone
Many people leave their home to live on their own early so that they can decide everything by themselves. However, living alone may cause mental health problems. According to a Finnish study, people living alone have higher risk of depression than those who live with families. [1]
There are many reasons behind this situation such as burden of working, tax payment or housing conditions but mainly it is the lack of mental support and social interaction.
People tend to shut themselves down, withdraw from society and relationships. While living alone, they do not receive emotional supports from their parents or siblings. Even if parents and siblings cannot understand thoroughly and give appropriate advice, people know families have their backs and they have reasons to live for rather than giving up.
Moreover, people living alone are prone to smoke, drink excessive alcohol and get addicted to caffeine more than under the supervision of their families. Those factors may trigger depression in people who are at risk because of previous mental damage.
Many people leave their home to live on their own early so that they can decide everything by themselves. However, living alone may cause mental health problems. According to a Finnish study, people living alone have higher risk of depression than those who live with families. [1]
There are many reasons behind this situation such as burden of working, tax payment or housing conditions but mainly it is the lack of mental support and social interaction.
People tend to shut themselves down, withdraw from society and relationships. While living alone, they do not receive emotional supports from their parents or siblings. Even if parents and siblings cannot understand thoroughly and give appropriate advice, people know families have their backs and they have reasons to live for rather than giving up.
Moreover, people living alone are prone to smoke, drink excessive alcohol and get addicted to caffeine more than under the supervision of their families. Those factors may trigger depression in people who are at risk because of previous mental damage.
2. Too much freedom
Feeling of autonomy, competence is what people fight to achieve and build throughout their youths. But when people step into adulthood, too much freedom of choice becomes a burden. Every important choice people make, there comes responsibility with themselves, their families and society.People are surrounded with variety of career choice, they have to question every day what their correct path is, what the right choice. Their family livings may depend on their choices. They are exhausted by amount of time considering, reviewing their options in the search for the best one. Too much freedom makes people indecisive and be less satisfied with their choices. They worry that it is wrong. And when everything falls apart, they do not have anyone else to blame besides themselves. Along with that, their self esteem and confidence would be lowered and damaged.
3. Facebook and social medias overload
Checking Twitter every day, meeting friends mostly on Facebook, spending hours scrolling endlessly through Tumblr posts? All of those activities can be associated with lower self-esteem, less life satisfaction and depression.“Text-messaged people five times per day for two-weeks to examine how Facebook use influences the two components of subjective well-being: how people feel moment-to-moment and how satisfied they are with their lives. Our results indicate that Facebook use predicts negative shifts on both of these variables over time. The more people used Facebook at one time point, the worse they felt the next time we text-messaged them; the more they used Facebook over two-weeks, the more their life satisfaction levels declined over time.”
(Source : Facebook Use Predicts Declines in Subjective Well-Being in Young Adults) [3]
Facebook or other social media may make people, particularly teenagers and young adults, feel lonely and miserable. Lots of research indicates that people using Facebook more often get lonelier if they have their updated status less responded and less connection with friends
4. End of a TV show or books
It is called Post-Series depression (also known as PSD).“It is the sadness felt after reading or watching a really long series or story. The bitter feeling when you know the journey is over, but you don't want it to end.”
(Source: Urban dictionary) [4]
People get into books and movies for the feeling of living in separate worlds, separate livings. Every book they read, they transform to different characters. They can have various version of reality. They have friends who they can’t find in real life, they can go beyond their physical limits to advance on a journey of conquest. And when the series end, that world disappears and they return to reality.
The feeling of regret and empty after finishing books or movies can ignite a sense of worthlessness and urge people to escape from real world and real life human interaction.
Rates of depression in countries
5. Country where you live
A new study from World Health Organization (WHO) researchers suggests that people in rich countries (such as USA, Japan, Germany) are at particularly high risk for depression than low-income countries like Mexico, Cuba and Vietnam. [5]People in developing or poor countries have low life expectation and tend to give up and follow social hierarchy rather than fighting against it. They are less likely to question government also social policies. Meanwhile, people in developed countries have higher income also with higher responsibility. Working environment in these countries has lots of stress and competitions.
For example, in Japan, people work not only 8 hours but even up to 10-12 hours a day. They even work on Saturday and Sunday. There is an unwritten rule that to be climb higher in company position, one should be obedient and hard-working. Talking back to the superiors is definitely a no-no. Suppressed feelings accompanied with overloading working are culprits of high suicide rate in Japan.